Restless Pursuit
Whether you find yourself struggling with picking the right college, making a career change, parenting, what life holds for you in retirement, or anything in between, all of these decisions require a strong foundation in your purpose.
Use this book as a guide on your journey!
About Pastor Perkins and Purpose-Full Pursuits
Marlon T. Perkins, Sr. is pastor of Living Waters Worship Center of Seventh-day Adventists in Dallas, Texas. A native of Memphis, Tennessee, he holds a B.A. in Political Science and a Master of Divinity.
In 2018, he launched Purpose-Full Pursuits LLC, a ministry dedicated to equipping individuals to discover and pursue their God-given purposes in life.
With almost thirty years of pastoral experience, serving congregations spanning the U.S. from the northwest, midwest, and the south, Marlon has conducted a number of seminars in areas of theology, religious liberty and personal development for church and non-church audiences alike. He and his wife Shurla are the proud parents of two young adult children, Marlon Jr., and Reba.

“To live with purpose is to live on purpose.”
Read the latest Purpose-Full Posts
Three Things You Need to Know… About Purpose (Part 1 of 3)
“Why am I here? What is my real purpose? What should I be doing with my life?’ This lack of self-understanding and direction is a health problem itself, in a sense, for it can lead to all sorts of emotional stress, including depression, anxiety, and fatigue…It’s not...
read moreThree Things You Need to Know… About Purpose (Part 2 of 3)
In continuing our journey regarding your purpose...the question may continue to be - What is my purpose? Well... 2. Purpose is God-guided. “There is no other truth that compares in importance for successful living with the truth that there is a benevolent...
read moreThree Things You Need to Know… About Purpose (Part 3 of 3)
“There is no other truth that compares in importance for successful living with the truth that there is a benevolent God who is working out His plans in the affairs of men.”* In my last article that appeared in the January/February 2007 issue of Message, I outlined...
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